Thursday, September 4, 2008

The use of digital photography is one of the latest innovations being implemented in our office. We have been using digital imagery for quite some time now, for several purposes. Taking a digital image of a tooth is a vital tool that we use to educate patients in their personalized treatment. We are able to document problems with teeth including, but not limited to, fractures, leakage, fistulas, and drainage of severely infected teeth. The greatest thing is that we are able to save these files and access them whenever we need to, with the simple click of a button. We find that our patients are particularly excited about the outcome, and are able to fully understand the complexity of treatment, when visual aides are introduced. We are proud to have the ability to showcase our work in the reports that we send out to the referring dentists, and the dentists appreciate having this detailed map of the procedure.

Because of the value that digital photography brings to our office, we aim to take the most precise images possible. Dr. Jarboe and Alicia recently attended a course in Evanston, Illinois in which they brought back valuable information about equipment and the latest photography techniques. We have installed the new equipment and immediately implemented the knowledge that they acquired in the course. In keeping with the standards of our office, we are continuing to send out more and more exemplary images with our reports.

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