Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our Dinner

We wanted to thank all of the doctors who made it out to our dinner on February 21. Every few months we host a dinner as a means of offering our thanks to the many doctors who have continued to support us throughout the years.

This months dinner was a little different from our previous dinners in that we used it as an opportunity to showcase our diagnostic techniques and some particularly impressive cases. We wanted our guests to see the detail and care that goes into each and every case. Cathy, one of our assistants put together a very informative Power Point presentation, and each of our doctors were able to speak for a brief period of time.

Everyone feasted on the mountains of food that Dimitri's International Grill provided for us, and had a great time getting to know one another.

Thank you all for making our latest dinner a huge success once again... and if you would like to join us at the next dinner, please give us a call. We would love to see you there!

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